Revolution X - Vol. 1

Exodus 1st Promo Spot w/Malcolm X Speech

Copy and paste 2 your clipboard and pass it on 2 a friend~ they'll thank u

Written By: E.N.C.O. Director- KC Taynor

  Some can't see the point of dedicating ourselves to change, as they don't see the possibility of it! Through the writings of some of our greatest revolutionaries - (Frederick Douglas, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - to name a few) we understand change for some people can almost be considered painful. We may be forced into change through tragedy, sometimes this is said to be falling to the lowest point of one's life. But when this force is not the case; you haven't been stripped of everything and left with no options, the choice for change becomes just that - choice. But with all freedom comes a great responsibility and for many this responsibility can become a burden. It should never be considered an easy task to see the truth of the role we ourselves have played in the destruction of the human race. This thought alone brings about a great feeling of guilt and failure, so to even speak of the true position we have been conditioned to portray - can seem to cripple one's mind, body and soul. Reconditioning one's self is equal to detoxing a drug addict, and withdraw should not only be anticipated - but expected! On the other hand we as people come in all shapes, sizes, color and train of thought. And with this it becomes a guarantee that there are people anticipating, and ready to stand, ready to dedicate themselves! The only element missing in our possible organization is organization itself. In other words - unity!
  Do you know who you are? Do you know where you come from? Do you know your family name? These questions to some matter more than the answers themselves. As it is the quest for education and truth that seed the want and need for revolution. When there is no voice to be heard, we must become that voice. If a voice already speaks, the need becomes standing beside and behind that power! We all have the power and choice to find the answer to our personal self, but our world does not revolve around each one of us on an individual basis now does it. Think of the possibilities of finding yourself in the finding of us through the teachings of one another.

 The deconstruction finally upon us, the Exodus proceeds without shame. For we are the children band together by God.  Through grace we shall find thee, FREE yourself from slavery of the game. The road to Love lies before us, as salvation has only one true name! You better prepare - the time of war's here. No need to fear, if the truth is what you seek to hear~Dig it

  "I am a child of Exodus. My children are children of Exodus. You are my siblings and I your brother, your sister - to stand together is to stand as family, and the power of family is eternal! Through struggle and death, murder or apartheid, still we will rise! Still we will stand, walk and talk - march for man, together we believe in what I know we can. For too long we have fought deception only to find that we have deceived our own minds, wasting blood, breath and time. Futile fights bringing us no closer to right, but we worked double overtime to afford a new set of rims. Grills shining bright, dentures for the rich - maybe we should have saved our money and used it for getting the teeth we were born with fixed. But the oppression of greed will one day cease and slavery will be clear to see. We have been enslaved for so long, we forgot slavery was wrong, but knowledge to corporations as we keep their bank strong. But in the concrete jungles where roses bloom you will find people carrying more than their share of the doom. Carrying weight for me - sharing the blame for you! In the time of Exodus this is what I'm committed to do."
  We are Exodus, an organization of have-nots and the forgotten of the world, artist, teachers, brothers and sisters in the war of the mind. Upon this declaration we shall build a commitment to the people who continue to starve in the streets, die by man made epidemics - designed by the definition of genocide.Struggle by the hands of racism and are continually blinded by the deception of a Fascist capitalistic government. We are not a militant fraction of radicalist who believe in destruction in the name of peace. Peace by definition is absence of war and hostilities. We do not advocate violence, we don't have to! Blowing up buildings and terrorizing the people, is a monopoly best left to bureaucracy. Our mission, to bring the attention of the world to truth, the rebirth of knowledge, and the hope - the want for freedom. Welcome to the revolution - all power to the people!
  After all that has been said - the reason why we should stand for the struggle, the revolution for the freedom and rights of all mankind is because - people still ask why. I am asked without failure by people every time we speak about change, "Why do we need to be so rebellious?". More than I care to admit people question our reasoning for (the way I see it) not assimilating to the ways of wicked men, and live by the standards set by this same establishment. The truth for me is a lifetime of reasons that I believe would be a book within themselves, but I can give a list of topics that assuredly would all contain a list of their own subtopics. RACISM, GENOCIDE, AIDS/CANCER TREATMENT (or lack of), TEENAGE PREGNANCY, UNEMPLOYMENT - and not that they are more important, but a few issues that plague every breath I take would be; POVERTY, our absolute INADEQUATE EDUCATION SYSTEM, and the RAPING of every woman I know.

  "There's a path that has been lost and even though the trail has been hid. If you look hard enough you can see what they did. Unity went first followed by love, so those holes that you see wasn't mistakenly dug! God uses what seems a curse to most, to bless those that are His, so we must walk in the faith that we are His kids. Redeemed by the life of God's very own son, whom loved us ever since time had begun. So let us lay in the ditch and surely die to our flesh, and give our life to the one that truly knows best. He will then wake us in his spirit and new light we will see, this resurrection is the life that allows us to be free. From evil thoughts, nightmares, and the unsureties of death, awake and arise then take the first step! Jesus Saves!"
 The Generation of Revolution X~
 "It's not about a poem or a time I write. It's coming complete within a turn - as the circle of life. And I behold - the nightmares, as well the blessed dreams and embrace all the madness in between. If you don't care to see where I start, then you will never know where this ends. And this life, we will be damned to repeat in tragedy over and over again."
  It wasn't until the 90's that I remember the Generation X label being branded on those my age - X as in the math "unknown" equivalent. I have no doubt in the coming years documents will begin to surface from way back in the late 70's with the phrase "Gen-X" written somewhere in them. In no way am I trying to start on any conspiracy rants, but facts of the past lead me to questions about the future. The Tuskegee experiments are not a conspiracy theory, nor the experiments conducted during the Vietnam War or any war come to think about it. So I can't figure why anyone would think governments have not continued research on human control?
  If you think human control is not still happening then I have two subjects for you to research. The first is how the education system has changed (as in re-developed) since the 70's; and the second would be the commercial industry that prisons are becoming. Most of our public schools are being rebuilt and they have a very similar construction to our county jails. What I'm getting to is, we consider both these entities as institutions, and we rely on the govern- ment to run both. This is what we got, and they are running things the same way. And when I rack my brain to find the common link that would lead our own government to fail in the definitions of both positions, I can only find one good reason. As our prisons become cheaper labor than illegal immigrants, our children are being molded into little working monsters.
  And since I am digging into my own theories a little allow me to kick you this (but allowing you to conclude this thought) - the difference in the attitudes of our youth today. Not the troubled attitudes, but the lack of importance towards the world. I have talked to many comrades and we recall how many kids we went to school with still talked about issues growing up in the 80's. Our music was different, our creativity ran free, and unique was the order of the day. But the indifference toward the education we were being served up is agreed upon by many people around me, no matter your choice of hair color or dying technique. Yet somehow through the bullshit world of public education we still were able to grasp a hold of a few morsels of truth. A sprinkle of dedicated teachers who could care less about the inevitable end of self intellect would pass us a copy of Malcolm X, they would tell us not to think of what the other students would turn out, just paint what your heart says to paint. But sadly I think our generation fed off the remaining "free thought fruit" seeded by the pens of a beautiful civil rights movement, that I fear may be erased within the telling of history. And if you think for just a minute of even the simplest concerns we formed during school hours compared to the mind bending homework our kids warp their brains around today, a brilliant plan of diversion begins to surface.
  "What do you think of the state of the world today? Babies still having babies, and babies still getting younger. Ready to be molested by daddy, gramps, uncle or brother. Homeless continue to starve, if first they don't freeze to death. Aids - the true power craves a new victim - you might be next! The war in Iraq - commercialized, the war in our streets - justified? A means to an end, we struggle to breathe while continuing to fight poverty - revolution against the greed. Swept under the rug 400 years of misery, blame one another but the enemy has yet to be seen. United States of America, united by slaves and arms, as we the people, work horses to plow the fields and farms. All power to the people."
  Never has there been such an organized and successful deception of the American people, if not the people around the world. Whether this has been nurtured by an extremely intellectual plan of united governments or the destruction of (if possible) the simple human hope for freedom. Beliefs being political, spiritual, OR ANY personal choice decision of any lifestyle should be considered freedom of intellectual thought and respected as such, but this undeniable civil right is slowly being manipulated away from each of us everyday. Millions of dollars are being spent on a war that none of us have heard a true reason for, and if you question the integrity of the original declaration you will be branded unpatriotic. If you do not support the killing of innocent people you will receive the same brand, and God forbid you not support the men and women killing these innocent people.
  Those in power long before the current administration have always claimed one true religion while at the same time representing a nation of millions with multiple religions, and then proceed to outlaw beliefs that their religion may not share. Ultimately, these problems only lend strength to the continuing success of the true deception. If that sounds at all confusing just think of what these same leaders go though trying to comprehend, "Let he without sin, cast the first stone". And this is the religion they claim theirs, true above all others.
  "Eventually you will have to find a solution that doesn't include bombing people into submission -Democratized or I'll shoot you. Isolationist in a world of terrony."
  400 some years of conditioning, training people the same way one would train a dog - without the loving feeling of "one of the family" type of understanding. A dog is given the rights to be a dog after it has fulfilled it's service to man, the right to lick itself, scratch fleas, and even stop to smell the scent of anything that may pass its way. Human beings on the other hand have been left with far less options as history has written that the more freedom you allow a man or woman to feel the more difficult it becomes to keep them enslaved. And the less education a race has, the less this race will understand the meaning of freedom. With this we are doomed from the beginning.
  And there is a good chance that we the people have been manipulated since the beginning of time, as it has been proven that slavery existed long before boats were ever created - most likely before the pyramids were even built. But Generation X served as the Guinea Pigs of a master plan being utilized on our children today, if you doubt this, start talking to statistic survivors. Personally I am one of the victims of the Occupational Work Adjustment Program (O.W.A.). Along with eight other students ages 14-16, I was taken out of regular credited classes and trained to be a labor worker; construction, janitorial - something along the true blue collar lines. Upon my entry into high school I was given a test that predicted I would drop out my freshman (9th) or sophomore (10th) year. They had no idea what to do with me when I made it to my senior (12th grade) year, with the education of an 8th grade student and short about seven credits from ever seeing a diploma. When I was told it would take two more years of full time classes I never knew existed, I fulfilled my part of becoming another statistic. Friends and family compliment me on my intelligence, according to the powers that be - my grade card has been branded with a juicy fat F. So I ask~ a man educated in failure creates what?
  As I write this section of our first publication I am watching an A&E program called- "Skinheads: Race War" Training and preparing for the oncoming race war, that I have no doubt they would love the credit for kicking off, these leaders of hate search for the forgotten have-nots and abandoned children of the world. Take them in to their homes, feeding them, giving them clothing and shelter, the same way we do as tribes. The two things most important for them to find in the lost souls they "save"- white skin and a morsel of hatred in their heart, the normal percentage within most teens 12-18. A repeated, and typical technique in the history of skinheads and the KKK alike is to meet our people with extreme prejudice and violence, and to use ignorance as a training tool to motivate their young. Whether a person or persons are non-white, non-christian (Jew or Catholic), homosexual, or an advocate for any of the above, they are taught to be the enemy. No matter if this young man or woman completed their public school sentence, the lesson of hatred is the VICTOR! I only bring this up because this may have been my fate if not for my skin, but don't think we don't have our equivalent to this epidemic on this side of the tracks. And maybe it's because I have lived this life first-hand that I feel it is a much greater killer of youth, this plague we call "THUG LIFE".
  A lifetime of problems have been piled onto Gen X, and we in turn are beginning to dump these issues on the upcoming leaders of tomorrow. I'm not complaining about the situation we have been forced to deal with, my hope is to bring our issues to light in order to enable us to organize an attack plan that the coming generations will be able to utilize. Point I'm making is the agenda of the civil rights movement can't be applied to a new era of corporate racism and expect to have the same effectiveness. The problems generations before us have faced were not as complex as today's evil agendas. Not that they were easier problems to deal with, the pain and struggles of holocaust, slavery and racist America survivors is a nightmare we only know of from visions on the big screen. But since their time the exact same issues they had to face still exist, not only that - but these issues have been expanded upon and manipulated to be almost invisible to the blind eye.
  I recently was revealed a revelation. An issue that I face with the majority of conversations I have with women, is now eating away at the very heart of a woman I love more than anything or anybody in this world. My niece can not see the possible existence of a strong, righteous man - who truly lives and dies by any code of honor past her father (my brother). In her eye's - through conditioning the world has come to accept men who have other females and families on the side, deal and abuse people as well as drugs, steal, lie, cheat and victimize the weak. Our generations are now being trained to look out for themselves and to come up above the next person by any means. A man is no longer judged in our society by his depth or character - but by the label of his clothing, the year/make and model of the car he drives. And call me insane, but I swear the more baby mamas a man has now - the higher his status symbol becomes. I don't ask why we should stand against this system that is currently desecrating our children and soon (oh yes) their children, I question how one can look at themselves in the mirror day in and day out understanding the pain and confusion of the blind - and not stand!
  Generation X has been raised in a world surrounded by all kinds of life threatening disease beyond the great killer aids, the designed plan of genocide. Poverty - something people have always and continue to bleed, sweat, and die trying to find an end to, is now glamorized 24 hours a day. We have people who readily accept being have-nots, and people (more kids) who have never been subjected to poverty not only seeking it out, but creating a have not lifestyle for themselves and the children they bring into the world. In vain of what numerous great artist have tried to do over the last 30 some years within their teachings to Gen X, our art itself is now utilized as one of the greatest tools of deception weaponized and used against us. The proof of this is extremely simple to see in not only ourselves but also our children. Just look at the rise in material possessions vs. the decline in our communities.
  The increasing poverty, teen pregnancy (the majority  of which become single mother families) and the crime rate is solid evidence of destruction. Of course, most would say "you can't blame art for the way the world is", and of course it isn't 100% at fault. As an artist gifted by God, I would like to say that I believe the world of art is also at war, whether artist want to admit it or even if they don't know it. An artist who backs no particular cause can still effect a person to think, and therefore continue to pose a threat to any one train of thought. So this should lead us to the question of why we would glamorize any pseudo artist who desecrates unity - loyalty - and honor? Especially when it can be clearly seen that the worse the world turns, the fatter their bank accounts grow. I don't care what genre of music you listened to growing up, the music of Generation X was about self. We were able and encouraged to celebrate our differences but since the "revolution of the political correct" our youth face being raised in a capitalistically retarded box.

  "At times i can't speak~at times i can't think. Lost in the mind where times have paralyzed the State of Being. We find words of the soul painted on walls with graffiti ~ but in the ghetto there's only so much air 2 breathe. And behold on yo own force 2 find evil deeds~ cause everyday sloth's the thought in this society. It's a burden maybe a pain, we have 2 share with love so that we may overcome and concur, before the sands run out and families fall! The world is ours or so we're told~ so what is it they tell our foes? The meek shall inherit the earth and one day our story will be spoken by those who'll view us savage~ a generation doomed 2 relive our woes~2 be damned. It's a shame we didn't learn before our time came. They may say, that insanity bears resemblance 2 our pain~ At times i can't speak~ at times i can't think. I know it's natural 2 fear the unknown but when we no longer heed the foretold~ that is when we cease 2 grow. Prepare for the war, prepare 4 the bombs 2 blow 130 years promised, and that my friends feeds the soul worth growing old. Shall i b bold~ shall i cree, we may destroy the faith 4 the heaven that we seek. At times i can't speak, at times i can't think~ is 2 be lost in the mind where times have paralyzed the State of Being."
  "There was a point - where the sane got corrupted by the greed. And the need of the children wasn't seen, and the fruit that was fed turned to bling - where did you go? There was a time when the young respected mothers, and didn't plan genocide for one another. There was a life that one time we lived to breathe, just to bring the babies up better than we. And now we're gone - revolution."
  And now our birthright - freedom. Revolution is change, and since life is constant change- revolution equals life. Let's break it down like this - when you do nothing but sit around eating chips and watching TV, revolution would be simply going outside and taking a walk. A deeper form of revolution would be union workers who feel they are not receiving fair wages, going on strike. Standing against any unrighteous system in order to change it - is revolution. You could say pushing our public school system towards better educating our children is revolution, and we do! As a matter of fact demanding better education within the revolution does not start or end with public education. Sitting with your kids and teaching them yourself trains their mind - almost conditions them for higher education. But we as parents have been ourselves conditioned to leave education to those paid to do the job, home schooling in our society is frowned on. I believe this is because education beyond our established curriculum would lead to an unorthodox view of what is really going on in our public schools - this is a revelation that will ignite revolution!
    As I have said before - freedom is our birthright. It is something instilled in our spirit from the time we are conceived. Ask yourself this (of course stupid) question - When was the last time you saw a mother rubbing her baby through her growing belly, praying that her child will become a successful slave? Many mothers and fathers would agree with me when I say there is a connection made with their child months before birth, therefore the origins of a strong self
esteem would be traceable to begin at this same time. If this isn't true the fact still remains that the majority of us become the adults we were conditioned to be as children. Hence the reason so many shrinks blame Mama, go figure! We as people have learned as we have been taught - to hate one another. A delicate hate taught with such sophistication that we don't mean and sometimes don't even know we spread it. We continue to feed corporate monsters who suck the very source of strength we once used to build successful communities.
  This is only a part of the reason why those of us searching for true freedom exist. We have been taught to except the scraps thrown at us, from and created by a system that has been developed for us - only to fail. Those who have risen above or say those who have slipped between the cracks of this system are responsible - better yet blessed with the ability to teach, show, guide those who haven't a clue of the deception intricately woven into the fabric of our society.

  "It's a beautiful day in the world again 2 see one another taking a stand. Hand in hand we protest a plan we can't seem 2 comprehend- Rise! Has this been your plan all along Mr. Man 2 unite a nation by plotting a war against another King Pin~ or should we say assassination by rage-why? 4 we r taught by history that concern 4 the masses is rarely - if ever priority. Only in the hearts of the young dedicated to protecting us on the front line will u find unconditional love 4 u and i. While Spielberg styled images of families in despair, and genocidal nightmares r blown in the wind~by the blind sin who claim themselves enlighten~ A.K.A. the UN- The same party moving troops~used as pawns 4 negotiations that guarantee after office royalties. But it's a beautiful day in the world again, 2 see my brothers and sisters making plans. 4 family comes first in every house we bond and strength will prevail in the end-- Not since the 60's have we truly united. And since our birth u brand my generation- X ~thank u. What cha say when our hundreds of thousands take 2 the streets of Washington, New York, and LA.? While drowning in the dirt of those long before us, we once again breathe life into a movement that will never cease. The sign eternal- REVOLUTION the way~ 2 speak, teach, 2 reach each and every baby - Rise"

  Call it an awakening, a rebirth, or just evolution. I call it the circle of understanding equal to growth. Never ending even after death! This is God's ultimate gift to us - Knowledge! When I was a teen I can remember feeling empty and hopeless until the struggle called upon me, my path and light within the cold darkness of this harsh world shown in revolution. I felt an understanding of why evil existed, why it had to breathe as I did, feed as I did. Without it, evil that is - the importance of love would be lost. Not to say we couldn't live in harmony without first having war, but I believe like the ying-yang symbol that all things are equal, and good exist to balance out evil. In truth - it just hurts to sound so bleak, but I feel there will always breathe hate! And warriors in the name of truth, love, honor and humanity to drive the revolution will always bloom from the fertilization of this hate.
  "Today is a day like no other, a day that may not be preceded by another. So be sure to let everyone that is special to you know today! For time is so precious, but we seldom let it get away! Be careful, today when you see that stranger in need, Ask yourselves; are you the blessing that God sent to answer their plead. Is our lives just for us? Or were we meant for a bigger purpose? For the love I feel in my heart allows me to see material things as being worthless. I just want you all to know that I love you, a little more now then yesterday Remember to be considerate because we cant take back what we say!"
  The importance of history is questioned daily. "Why remember the hatred of yesterday? Why relive the mistakes generations once made?"  The same response to these questions have been found from teachers and those educated in the importance of history. Examples such as, "We must know our past to understand our future." Or simply "History repeats itself." To remember and acknowledge is completely different than to live and continue, so I ask why we wouldn't acknowledge the world before us. At least in the hope to avoid walking the same wrong paths!
  "History is a myth men agree to believe" - Napoleon
  We must understand that history within revolution as more than just a tool, it is a necessity in order to progress the movement. To understand how and why - our brothers and sisters before us succeeded, failed, fizzled out, or were systematically disposed of, is a small piece to our ultimate blue print of change. The evolution of the people, the peoples struggle, and the peoples enemy should be used as a learning guide - studied and applied to the life we search for today. Can organization go wrong? Yes! Can a simple rally of people go wrong? Yes! Has it? Yes! And written in history, even hidden in history, we find truth of our failures and triumphs. Even if history writes the U.S. as victors of our current war, the death certificates from our fallen soldiers and innocent Iraqis alike will reflect a different image. Be sure that history will boast for the side of victory - while our dead will be forgotten. Maybe I should be P.C. and just say "misplaced".
  As I write this section I am intrigued by a documentary called Amandla - A revolution in four-part harmony. In America the struggle of the people during apartheid has been sadly forgotten, and rarely spoken of - if ever by teachers in our classrooms. It's true that the revolution they have fought and continue to fight in Africa has been totally different then the movement we face in the states, the differences in the governments on the other hand are not nearly as great. As a matter of fact as I watch "Amandla" it seems crazy how similar the video footage of the civil rights movement beat downs and the abuse handed out by the police in Africa seem as different as one protest to the next.
  What blows my mind more than anything is the unity that you see in these oppressed faces, the honor and die hard dedication to freedom. We are taught in America of the songs sang by slaves, from African spirit hymns to what has led to modern day black spirituals. But to see people that are at war, who have been moved around - yet still live in their birthland, and still have the strength of their people around them, seems to bring an originality to song itself. It is the evolution of a music that was destroyed along with unity in American slaves by conditioning.
 I'm sure that slaves didn't believe that generations later their family heritage, name, and history would be lost forever if they just conformed to the language of their master.
  This was not the same devastation that became apartheid, even though it lasted much longer and took so many more lives - generation taught generation, and each generation became increasingly stronger. Compare them to our generations that have become increasingly weak and dependent upon our government, an intricate mixture of apartheid and slavery!
  God bless the child that can hold his own - but let us never forget those who can not, those bound to drown in a lifeless decay of poverty, abuse, violence, and drugs. Can we remember what it was like to be raised with nothing? Or is this a memory that cuts so deeply that we have buried it and all reminders so far back in our subconscious that the lessons of misery itself no longer exist? To forget where we came from is to ignore just a percentage of what our children face today, but to remember the feeling of being lost is a small glimpse into the mindset of our troubled youth.
  Far be it for me to say we would understand the depths of this generations struggles and pain, but pain is pain - and compassion is defined as sharing the suffering of others. To show a person a little understanding of their fear creates a common bond between the two that can truly open a door of growth.
  "The American people dictate what they will accept from the media, and until we stand for the truth against diversion than in the end we will be fed nothing but deception. It's impossible to destroy revolution, suppressing it is a different story and has been done over and over again. But as good vs. evil, slavery can only end with freedom and oppression ignites revolution!"

peace till next time...

Exodus 2nd Promo~ Crew w/P.E.

Inside the first printed 
issue of ~X
Exodus hits on:
Why Revolution? The Rebirth and Project known as "Generation X"-
The Newborns, the History, and the Future of the Revolution!!!
An excerpt from the Victor X stageplay: "I Am Revolution"